Jacopo Brancati

Jacopo Brancati, born in 1966, is a international professional photographer and sociologist.

After graduating in Political Science at the University of Genoa (1993), specializing in international studies, he directs his photographic approach towards human geography concerning the understanding of the dynamics of cultures.


In 2003 Brancati began collaborating with various European maritime museums.

He explores the world of ports and navigation, describing the daily reality of seafarers and port workers, from the Italian coasts to those of Northern Europe; he then focuses on maritime communities and their traditions, and on the cultural heritage linked to the repair and navigation of historic wooden ships.


Brancati's solo main photographic exhibitions were shown at:


He has participated in the scientific boards of the Musée Portuaire Dunkerque for the creation of popular exhibitions like "Cap sur le Horn" (2005), and "Ports d'Europe", (2013).


For "Lille et Genova capitales de la culture 2004", Jacopo Brancati participated with two exhibitions dedicated to Genoa: "Pilote à bord! Hommes et navires du port de Gênes" at the Musée Portuaire de Dunkerque et "Volti di pietra" at Palais Rihour, Lille.


Jacopo Brancati has published several books and written many articles for the French magazine of maritime history and ethnology Le Chasse-marée and for the Italian magazine Arte Navale.


Since 2015 he has been an associate member of the ICMM, International Congress of Maritime Museums.


He is represented by Bridgeman Images, London, UK.


For more info check Wikipedia at:




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photo by Charlotte Longépé ©2024

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